Professional cleaning is the first step in preserving your wedding dress. The sooner you get your dress to us, the better!

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wedding dress preservation new york new jersey philadelphia hudson valley ny professional cleaning wedding dress.jpg
  • Stains set quickly – sweat, dirt, liquids and oils wreak havoc on your gown. Your wedding gown might be the most expensive dress you’ve ever purchased. Be sure to take great care of it!

  • Once we receive your gown, we’ll inspect, clean, and preserve it. Our professional preservationists are trained to spot stains, even the ones that are invisible. From the hem to the neckline, we’ll create a treatment plan for each stain (even the ones you can’t see) and do our very best to make sure they’re removed.

  • Your gown is provided to you in a beautiful preservation chest for storage or for display in your home. This chest prevents oxidation – aging and discoloration. If, at any time, you decide to pass your gown on to a friend or relative, any member of the Association of Wedding Gown Specialist will press it before use. Our guarantee includes free correction of discoloration, as well as free pressing for future use.

  • It’s easy. Your dress will be shipped back to you in a few weeks in a perfect, acid-free box. Done!

Preserving my dress was the best thing I ever did, besides marrying my husband! My dress looks as new as the day I bought it. I can’t wait for my daughter to wear it.
— Julie, Newburgh, NY

Fill out the form on our contact page. We’ll send instructions to take care of the rest!